
Fr. Mark Beard’s Final and Prophetic Homily

Fr. Mark Beard’s Final and Prophetic Homily

Father Mark Beard, pastor at St. Helena Catholic Church in Amite, Louisiana, who died tragically in a car accident on Wednesday, Aug. 2, preached a stirring last homily on the need to unapologetically accept and live by the Catholic faith with a view toward the day we stand before God in judgment.  
Mortal Sins Catholics Are Missing In Their Confessions

Mortal Sins Catholics Are Missing In Their Confessions

To help understand and strengthen our belief in the Catholic Faith to the fullest, by sharing of testimonies, information, Catechisms, reflections, articles, questions & answers, etc. as a means of enlightening us to defend, profess & proclaim our Faith.
Fake Catholics

Fake Catholics

Fr. Joseph Morgan, CPM offers a meditation on distinguishing Fake Catholics from Real Catholics.
Fr. Heilman: Don’t Be Lukewarm

Fr. Heilman: Don’t Be Lukewarm

Fr. Richard Heilman of St. Mary of Pine Bluff delivered this homily on April 19, 2023 warning believers not to be lukewarm in their faith, challenging us to not be afraid of taking a stand for the Truth.