In this powerful homily, Fr. Kirby reflects upon the weakness of today’s priests and bishops. He points to the example of St. Charles Borromeo, who died at age 46 after pouring himself as a reformer within the Church.
Father makes an impassioned case for the veracity of what was depicted in the movie Nefarious — that Satan is real, that he wants to destroy the Latin Mass, and that he has the same agenda for you, your country, your Church, and your family. What do do about it? Well, says Father, we have […]
Father Mark Beard, pastor at St. Helena Catholic Church in Amite, Louisiana, who died tragically in a car accident on Wednesday, Aug. 2, preached a stirring last homily on the need to unapologetically accept and live by the Catholic faith with a view toward the day we stand before God in judgment.
To help understand and strengthen our belief in the Catholic Faith to the fullest, by sharing of testimonies, information, Catechisms, reflections, articles, questions & answers, etc. as a means of enlightening us to defend, profess & proclaim our Faith.
Fr. Richard Heilman of St. Mary of Pine Bluff delivered this homily on April 19, 2023 warning believers not to be lukewarm in their faith, challenging us to not be afraid of taking a stand for the Truth.