
Do All Good People go to Heaven?

Do All Good People go to Heaven?

Good people go to heaven when they die, right? Well, according to the Gospels, not exactly. Fr. Mike Schmitz points to at least four things Christ says we need for salvation: 1. Baptism (John 3) 2. The Eucharist (John 6) 3. Faith (Romans 10:9) 4. Doing the Father’s will (Matthew 25:31-46) None of them are […]
Tired of Lies?

Tired of Lies?

Fr. David Wilton discusses the current fear pandemic and the tyrannical leaders who are attempting to take advantage of the situation and the effects on religious liberty.
Fr. Altman Admonishes Archbishop Gregory

There Are No Footnotes On The 10 Commandments

Fr. Altman talks about cities across the nation have descended into chaos with the riots and violence.  Shepherds in the hierarchy have largely remained silent about the civil unrest.  Fr. Altman introduces a new life lesson: there are no footnotes on the 10 Commandments.  He also comments on Archbishop Wilton Gregory’s chastisement of President Trump […]
Mortal Sins Catholics Are Missing In Their Confessions

Mortal Sins Catholics Are Missing In Their Confessions

To help understand and strengthen our belief in the Catholic Faith to the fullest, by sharing of testimonies, information, Catechisms, reflections, articles, questions & answers, etc. as a means of enlightening us to defend, profess & proclaim our Faith.
Fake Catholics

Fake Catholics

Fr. Joseph Morgan, CPM offers a meditation on distinguishing Fake Catholics from Real Catholics.
IN GOD’S NAME: Viganò Resists Francis to His Face

In God’s Name, Viganò Resists Francis to His Face

In this Sunday Sermon from South St. Paul, Father uses the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus to discuss the importance and the power of the Name of the Son of God. He explains how St. Peter—the first pope—used that Name to convert thousands in one day. He reminds us that the demons who […]
Can Someone Be Denied Holy Communion?

Can Someone Be Denied Holy Communion?

Fr. Mike Schmitz says sometimes we can be tricked into thinking that the Holy Communion we receive at Mass every Sunday is somehow owed to us; that we have a right to receive it. However, the Eucharist, which is Jesus Christ’s own body and blood, is a divine gift bestowed upon us by our Heavenly […]
Our Lady’s View of Our Times

Our Lady’s View of Our Times

Fr Ripperger conducts a lecture on the messages of Our Lady beginning with Our Lady of Good Success, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of La Sallette and Our Lady of Akita.  
Let’s Stop Pretending

Let’s Stop Pretending

Fr. Meeks explains the challenges we face in a society which has largely rejected truth for the allure of lies and why Christians must defend the truth in love.  
Spineless Leadership With No Backbone

Spineless Leadership With No Backbone

Fr. Goring discusses how many Christian denominations have been split due to differences in sexual ideologies. He then reviews how this thinking is now penetrating the Catholic Church. Many Church leaders are fearful to take a stand to defend traditional Catholic teaching.