Fr. Justin Waltz – “48 Years of Killing Our Children” 1-24-2021 Homily

48 Years of Killing Our Children

Fr. Justin Waltz discusses the historical rise of National Social Party in Germany, the rise of abortion in the United States and Catholic politicians who support abortion.  He encourages all Catholics to pray for the conversion of Catholic politicians who support abortion.

Defend Life with Maximum Determination

Abortion has been made hygienic, clean, a mere medical procedure – falsely civilized. When we permit that as a nation, it corrodes our moral sense; it corrodes our understanding of human dignity. Podcast
Abortion is THE ISSUE in the 2020 Election

Abortion is THE ISSUE in the 2020 Election

Fr. Anthony Amato offers this homily on abortion for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), at St. Mary’s of the Lake, Ontario, NY. The topic of abortion is an uncomfortable one for all of us. It should be. But we have to talk about it, and we must talk about it relation to public […]
Fr. Altman: Jesus Will Cleanse His Church

Jesus Will Cleanse His Church

Fr. Altman urges the faithful to hold fast to the faith, even in the face of today’s Church scandals.  Fr. Altman discusses how Jesus cleansed the temple of the merchants and how He will come again to cleanse His Church of corruption.