Reflections19 Videos

Can Someone Be Denied Holy Communion?

Can Someone Be Denied Holy Communion?

Fr. Mike Schmitz says sometimes we can be tricked into thinking that the Holy Communion we receive at Mass every Sunday is somehow owed to us; that we have a right to receive it. However, the Eucharist, which is Jesus Christ’s own body and blood, is a divine gift bestowed upon us by our Heavenly […]
Fight The Good Fight

Fight The Good Fight

Fr. Goring says as people of God, we need to fight the good fight in spiritual warfare.  The battle in which we are engaged today is happening on our watch.  We have a duty to fight the ‘spirit of the age’ which seeks to undermine our Christian values.  Here’s a link to the book referenced […]

Fr. Altman: Hell is Real

Fr. James Altman discusses the reality of hell as more and more modern Catholics and Christians alike debate the existence of hell and whether it is populated. From scripture to the visions of Sister Lucia and the children of Fatima, Altman sets the record straight that hell is indeed real. Filmed & produced by filmmaker […]