Homilies265 Videos

UNMASKING the UNGODLY: Come, Lord Jesus, Come

Unmasking The Ungodly

Father Echert takes the gloves off on medical dictatorship that is making lepers of us all. What is happening to our world is ungodly in every sense of the word. The world God created is being turned over to the enemies of God Himself. And in that case, only God Himself can save us. Open […]
Fr. Altman: Silence is Complicity

Silence Is Complicity

Fr. James Altman reflects on the importance of not remaining silent when we have a duty to speak the truth. Homily from 07/26/2020.

The Passion Of Confusion

Father speaks of Passion Sunday and the fact that Our Lord hid Himself from His enemies before the time of His Passion had begun. Father then compares Our Lord’s betrayal by His own to what is going on now at the highest levels of the Church. Father points out that homosexual activists actually have a […]
Fr. Altman: In You Lord, I Have Found My Peace

In You Lord, I Have Found My Peace

Fr. Altman states that the Church is God’s house, not our house.  We are to be faithful stewards to God’s house.  Why do so many people lack peace in the midst of today’s chaos. We have refused to drink from God’s fountain of grace.  Fr. Altman ponders the Psalmist words, “In you Lord, I have […]
Fr. Altman: Keeping the Faith in the Midst of the Storm

Keeping the Faith in the Midst of the Storm

Fr. James Altman uses the example of Peter and Jesus walking on the water to act as an example for us in the midst of the current storm. What triggers ‘Coronaphobia’ is a person’s own fear of death.  Fr. Altman discusses that suffering has meaning in Jesus Christ, but meaningless in a godless society.  References […]
The End

End Times

A reflection on the end of the world, the end of our lives and the Anti-Christ.  
These Are The Times That Try Men’s Souls

These Are The Times That Try Men’s Souls

Thomas Paine was a famous author of pamphlets during the American Revolution. Thomas Paine’s great gift was an ability to bolster the morale of those who were wavering and vacillating in regards to the cause of the American Revolution. A famous line from one of his pamphlets read: These are the times that try men’s […]
The 10 Commandments: A Blessing And A Curse

The 10 Commandments: A Blessing And A Curse

Fr. James Altman reflects on the 10 Commandments. Whoa to the shepherds who fail to teach these truths! At the time of giving of the 10 Commandments, God said I set before you this day a blessing and a curse. A blessing for those who follow My Commandments and a curse to those who do […]
LEPANTO REVISITED: Trump and the World on the Brink

LEPANTO REVISITED: Trump and the World on the Brink

Father Echert speaks of the importance of the Rosary and then draws a parallel between what is happening to the world today in the face of Globalism and what was happening to the world during the 16th Century in the face of the Ottoman Empire. Question is: Will there be another Holy League, and can […]